Brain Dump

Automatic Updates

Created simple bash script called


# Add all changes to the staging area
git add .

# Commit the changes with a timestamp
git commit -m "Automated commit: $(date)"

# Push the changes to the remote repository
git push

Make script executable.

chmod +x

Setup a local cronjob

0 9 * * * {{working_dir}}/ >> {{working_dir}}/cron.log 2>&1

[!NOTE] In the above and below examples, you will need to update the {{working_dir}} with the path to your executable and Foam/Obsidian markdown files or vault.

Repo Sync

30 13 * * * rsync -av --exclude='.git/' --exclude='.vscode/' --exclude='_layouts/' --exclude='Journals/' {{working_dir}}/foamy-stuff/ {{working_dir}}/brain-dump/ >> {{working_dir}}/foamy-stuff/rsync.log 2>&1

Todo List

  1. test it

Note Created: 2025-01-06

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