Amateur Radio

Simplex Ops: QTH Station

Fall of late 2023

Having been moved out of the city and back to my roots in the country, I’ve been finding a few minutes here and there to work on and build up my QTH VHF/UHF station.

~1 min read

DIY: 6 Meter Coax Antenna

My DIY 6 Meter Coax Antenna

Summer 2022 is almost here and I’ve been hearing about the ‘Magic Band’ and how 6 meters can be used to make regional contacts as opposed to just local contacts I usually make on 2  meter simplex.  So that means fun in the short term, but long term operating on 6 meters can come in handy during emergency situations.  

I have a TYT TH-9800D Quad band radio that can rx/tx on 6 meters pushing up to 50 watts, all I need now is an antenna.  What I have to work with is 50 feet of RG-58 coax cable and here is how I made my 6 meter antenna using that cable.

2 min read

Simplex Ops: QTH Station

Summer of ‘22

Being recently licensed and still getting used to talking on the radio I started working on setting up a base station to practice checking into local Nets on 2 meters. In the DFW area there are nets multiple times a day I could potentially check-into.

1 min read
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Who am I?

Red Hat Architect by day, which means I’m talking about, developing, or solutioning supported and enterprise level opensource software all day. But, when I’m not automating infrastructure provisioning into Infrastructure as Code or evangalizing GitOps strategies, I am spending time outside and/or promoting the art of amateur radio.

1 min read
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